Available for sale on flexible terms. Cheap entry at this early phase of exploration.

Ionic Adsorption clay deposits, with a very unusual setting: Eocene sediments within a Permian paleochannel along the Terrane boundary between the Archean Yilgarn Block and the Proterozoic Albany Fraser Province. And other styles!

Available for sale on flexible terms. Cheap entry at this early phase of exploration.

Ionic Adsorption clay deposits, with a very unusual setting: in Eocene sediments within a Permian paleochannel lying along the Terrane boundary between the Archean Yilgarn Block and the Proterozoic Albany Fraser Province. And other styles!


Exploration Licence

Exploration Licence Application E63/2215, held by P Askins, applied for 4 April 2022, 65 blocks; 188 sq km. Total expenditure commitment upon grant $65 0000 pa.

In Dundas B Class Nature Reserve. Exploration is permitted upon submittal of Dieback Management Plan.


Advantages of this project:

Very large potentially mineralised area.

Weathered clayey rocks.

At least two styles of REE mineralization, one ionic clays, the others to be disclosed only on signing a Confidentiality Agreement.

The ionic clays may not need to be mined via open pit if in situ leaching via a borefield is feasible.

Established metallurgical process routes:

REE extraction of ionic clays well established world-wide.

REE extraction of other styles is well studied.

Cheap to acquire at this early stage.

Likely cheap CAPEX and OPEX for these styles of mineralisation.


50km SE of Norseman